Every business is built differently. Along the path to business growth and success, the road is challenging and may drown itself out in the noise. That is why I provide hands-on, strategic brand communication design solutions of output-based custom creative services that aims for your business presence cut a dash and be better—understood wherever its seen. 
Hi! I am Polly Paulmitan (wulfbane), Brand Communication Design Consultant / Senior Art Director. 
Business representation and perception is essential to marketing your business. It foster growth, making your business shine both inside and out. 
Aligning your visions and ideals best, to help engage and establish your business' visual presence and communicating better.
Multimedia Graphic Design • Creative & Art Direction • Branding • Corporate and Marketing Communication Asset Design • Service Design Consultancy
Visual communication is more than meets the eye. As your business courageously take bold steps in the business landscape, wherever your business is seen —whether it's in digital or print, I provide reliable business support by helping align and reflect your business authenticity that connect purposely. 
• Providing collaborative and partnerships through strategic marketing communication design consultancy to entrepreneurs of varied industries globally.
• Design exclusive multimedia creative services for diverse industries in support of their brand and marketing efforts.
• Experienced in leading a remote-first international creative design team that provided efficient and quality creative communication strategy and assets in support of multimedia communication and marketing success.
• Having an extensive creative design lead experience as part of international and agile advertising agencies' team of creative professionals for top global and local brands.
Having collaborated extensively on brand and marketing communication campaigns and project partnerships in diverse industries, and in multiple locales and global markets (EU, US, Canada, Dubai, SEA), these are some of my career project highlights so far:​​​​​​​
It's when your business matters, your journey continues.